Source code for

import asyncio
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
import queue
import threading

from .base import (
from .subscriptions import MostRecentSubscription

[docs]class CVCamera(ThreadedSubscriptionProducer): """ Uses a camera supported by OpenCV. When initializing, can give an optional function which preprocesses frames as they are read, and returns the modified versions thereof. Please note that the preprocessing happens synchronously in the camera capture thread, so any processing should be relatively fast, and should avoid pure python code due to the GIL. Numpy and openCV functions should be OK. """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.CVCamera") def __init__( self, width=320, height=240, cameranumber=0, fps=30, preprocessframe=lambda x: x, loop=None, ): self._width = width self._height = height self._cameranumber = cameranumber self._fps = fps self._processframe = preprocessframe super().__init__(MostRecentSubscription, self._log, loop=loop) def _producer(self): """ Runs the actual frame capturing code. """ import cv2"Started camera thread") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self._cameranumber) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self._width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self._height) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, self._fps) ret, frame = if not ret: self._log.error("Camera Read Failed %s", str(ret)) cap.release() self._setError(ret) return else: self._log.debug("Camera Ready") t = time.time() i = 0 self._setReady(True) while not self._shouldClose: ret, frame = if not ret: self._log.error("CV read error %s", str(ret)) else: # This optional function is given by the user. default is identity x->x frame = self._processframe(frame) # Send the frame to all subscribers self._put_nowait(frame) i += 1 if time.time() > t + 1: self._log.debug(" %d fps", i) i = 0 t = time.time() cap.release() self._setReady(False)"Ended camera capture")
[docs] def subscribe(self, subscription=None): """ Subscribe to new frames as they come in. By default returns a MostRecentSubscription object, which can be awaited to get the most recent frame, and skips missed frames. Note that all subscribers get the same frame data numpy array, so if you are going to modify the values of the array itself, please do so in a copy!:: # Set up a camera and subscribe to new frames cam = CVCamera() subs = cam.subscribe() async def mytask(): # Wait for the next frame myframe = await subs.get() # Do stuff with the frame If you want to have a different subscription type, you can pass anything which has a put_nowait method, which is called each time a frame comes in:: subs = cam.subscribe(asyncio.Queue()) # asyncio queue has a put_nowait method await subs.get() """ # This function actually only exists for the docstring. It uses the superclass function. return super().subscribe(subscription)
[docs]class PiCamera(CVCamera): """ Instead of using OpenCV camera support, uses the picamera library for direct access to the Raspberry Pi's CSI camera. The interface is identical to CVCamera. When testing code on a desktop computer, it can be useful to have the code automatically choose the correct camera:: try: import picamera # picamera import will fail if not on pi cam = PiCamera() except ImportError: cam = CVCamera() This enables simple drop-in replacement between the two. """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.PiCamera") # Valid values for rotation are 0, 90, 180, 270 def __init__(self, rotation=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._rotation = rotation def _producer(self): import picamera with picamera.PiCamera() as cam: cam.resolution = (self._width, self._height) cam.framerate = self._fps cam.rotation = self._rotation time.sleep(2) # Why is this needed? self._log.debug("PiCamera Ready") self._setReady(True) t = time.time() i = 0 while not self._shouldClose: # frame = np.empty((self._width * self._height * 3,), dtype=np.uint8) cam.capture(frame, "bgr", use_video_port=True) frame = frame.reshape((self._height, self._width, 3)) # This optional function is given by the user. default is identity x->x frame = self._processframe(frame) # Set the frame arrival event self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._put_nowait, frame) i += 1 if time.time() > t + 1: self._log.debug(" %d fps", i) i = 0 t = time.time() self._setReady(False)"Closed camera capture")
[docs]class PiCamera2(CVCamera): """ Instead of using OpenCV camera support, uses the picamera2 library for direct access to the Raspberry Pi's CSI camera. The interface is identical to CVCamera. When testing code on a desktop computer, it can be useful to have the code automatically choose the correct camera:: try: import picamera2 # picamera2 import will fail if not on pi cam = PiCamera2() except ImportError: cam = CVCamera() This enables simple drop-in replacement between the two. You can use the parameter hflip=True to flip the camera horizontally, vflip=True to flip vertically, or both to rotate 180 degrees. """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.PiCamera2") def __init__(self, hflip=False, vflip=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._hflip = hflip self._vflip = vflip def _producer(self): from picamera2 import Picamera2 from libcamera import Transform with Picamera2() as cam: cam.preview_configuration.transform = Transform(hflip=self._hflip, vflip=self._vflip) cam.preview_configuration.main.size = (self._width, self._height) cam.preview_configuration.display = None cam.preview_configuration.main.format = 'RGB888' if self._fps > 0: cam.video_configuration.controls.FrameDurationLimits = (round(1000000/self._fps), round(1000000/self._fps)) cam.start() time.sleep(2) self._log.debug("PiCamera2 Ready") self._setReady(True) t = time.time() i = 0 while not self._shouldClose: frame = cam.capture_array() # This optional function is given by the user. default is identity x->x frame = self._processframe(frame) # Set the frame arrival event self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._put_nowait, frame) i += 1 if time.time() > t + 1: self._log.debug(" %d fps", i) i = 0 t = time.time() self._setReady(False)"Closed camera capture")
[docs]class CVDisplay(BaseSubscriptionConsumer): """ Displays the frames in an openCV `imshow` window .. warning:: Due to an issue with `threading in OpenCV on Mac <>`_, CVDisplay does not work on Mac. """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.CVDisplay") _windowNameIterator = 1 # To allow multiple CVDisplays, all of them must be managed from a single thread _mainThread = None _mainQueue = queue.Queue() def __init__(self, name=None, loop=None): if CVDisplay._mainThread is None: CVDisplay._mainThread = threading.Thread(target=self._consumer) CVDisplay._mainThread.daemon = True CVDisplay._mainThread.start() self._name = name if self._name is None: self._name = str(CVDisplay._windowNameIterator) CVDisplay._windowNameIterator += 1 super().__init__(MostRecentSubscription, self._log) asyncio.ensure_future(self._queueWriter()) async def _queueWriter(self): self._setReady(True) while not self._shouldClose: try: data = await self._get() self._mainQueue.put_nowait({"name": self._name, "frame": data}) except SubscriptionClosed: pass self._mainQueue.put_nowait({"name": self._name, "frame": None}) @staticmethod def _consumer(): import cv2 CVDisplay._log.debug("Started Video Display Thread") while True: data = CVDisplay._mainQueue.get() if data["frame"] is None: cv2.destroyWindow(data["name"]) else: cv2.imshow(data["name"], data["frame"]) cv2.waitKey(1)