Source code for rtcbot.connection

from aiortc import (
import asyncio
import logging
import json

from .base import (
from .tracks import VideoSender, AudioSender, AudioReceiver, VideoReceiver
from .subscriptions import MostRecentSubscription

[docs]class DataChannel(SubscriptionProducerConsumer): """ Represents a data channel. You can put_nowait messages into it, and subscribe to messages coming from it. """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.RTCConnection.DataChannel") def __init__(self, rtcDataChannel, json=True): super().__init__(asyncio.Queue, asyncio.Queue, logger=self._log) self._rtcDataChannel = rtcDataChannel # Directly put messages self._rtcDataChannel.on("message", self._put_preprocess) self._json = json self._log.debug("Ready State %s", self._rtcDataChannel.readyState) if self._rtcDataChannel.readyState == "open": # Make sure we pass messages forward asyncio.ensure_future(self._messageSender()) else: self._log.debug("Waiting for channel to open") self._rtcDataChannel.on( "open", lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(self._messageSender()) ) @self._rtcDataChannel.transport.transport.on("statechange") async def stateChange(): state = self._rtcDataChannel.transport.transport.state self._log.debug("Channel State: %s", state) if state == "closed" or state == "failed": self.close() async def _messageSender(self): self._log.debug("Channel open, ready to send") self._setReady(True) while not self._shouldClose: try: msg = await self._get() if self._json: msg = json.dumps(msg) self._log.debug("Sending message %s", msg) self._rtcDataChannel.send(msg) except SubscriptionClosed: pass except exceptions.InvalidStateError: self._close() break # The while loop should exit here self._setReady(False) self._log.debug("Stopping message sender") def _put_preprocess(self, data): self._log.debug("Received '%s'", data) if self._json: try: data = json.loads(data) except: self._log.debug("Failed to read json data %s", data) try: self._put_nowait(data) except: self._log.exception("Error in message handler") @property def name(self): return self._rtcDataChannel.label
[docs] def close(self): # self._rtcDataChannel.close() super().close()
[docs]class ConnectionVideoHandler(SubscriptionProducerConsumer): """ :Example: Allows usage of RTCConnection as follows:: r = RTCConnection() frameSubscription = It uses the first incoming video stream for subscribe(), and creates a single outgoing video stream. Subscribing to the tracks can be done """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.RTCConnection.ConnectionVideoHandler") def __init__(self, rtc): super().__init__( directPutSubscriptionType=MostRecentSubscription, defaultSubscriptionType=MostRecentSubscription, logger=self._log, ) self._senders = set() self._receivers = set() self._defaultSender = None self._defaultReceiver = None # The defaultSender subscribes to this self._defaultSenderSubscription = NoClosedSubscription(self._get) self._trackSubscriber = SubscriptionProducer( logger=self._log.getChild("trackSubscriber") ) self._rtc = rtc self._offerToReceive = 0
[docs] def onTrack(self, callback=None): """ Callback that gets called each time a video track is received:: def onTrack(track): print(track) The callback actually works exactly as a subscribe(), so you can do:: subscription = await subscription.get() Note that if you have more than one track, you will need to tell rtcbot how many tracks to prepare to receive:: """ self.offerToReceive() return self._trackSubscriber.subscribe(callback)
[docs] def addTrack(self, frameSubscription=None, fps=None, canSkip=True): """ Allows to send multiple video tracks in a single connection. Each call to putTrack *adds* the track to the connection. For simple usage, where you only have a single video stream, just use `putSubscription` - it automatically calls putTrack for you. """ self._log.debug("Adding video track to connection") s = VideoSender(fps=fps, canSkip=True) if frameSubscription is not None: s.putSubscription(frameSubscription) elif self._defaultSender is None: s.putSubscription(self._defaultSenderSubscription) if self._defaultSender is None: self._defaultSender = s self._defaultSender.onClose(self.close) self._rtc.addTrack(s.videoStreamTrack) self._senders.add(s) return s
[docs] def putSubscription(self, subscription): # We need to make sure that when we put: # 1) there is an actual video track to put to! # 2) the track is subscribed to the VideoHandler super().putSubscription(subscription) if self._defaultSender is None: self.addTrack() # Make sure that this subscription is active on the default track self._defaultSender.putSubscription(self._defaultSenderSubscription)
def _onTrack(self, track): """ Internal raw track receiver """ self._log.debug("Received video track from connection") track = VideoReceiver(track) if self._defaultReceiver is None: # The default receiver track is the first one self._defaultReceiver = track self._defaultReceiver.subscribe(self._put_nowait) self._defaultReceiver.onClose(self.close) self._receivers.add(track) self._trackSubscriber._put_nowait(track)
[docs] def close(self): if not self.closed: for t in self._senders: t.close() for t in self._receivers: t.close() self._trackSubscriber.close() super().close()
[docs] def offerToReceive(self, num=1): """ Set the number of tracks that you can receive """ if self._offerToReceive < num: self._offerToReceive = num
[docs] def subscribe(self, subscription=None): self.offerToReceive() return super().subscribe(subscription)
[docs]class ConnectionAudioHandler(SubscriptionProducerConsumer): """ Allows usage of RTCConnection as follows:: r = RTCConnection() audioSubscription = It uses the first incoming audio stream for subscribe(), and creates a single outgoing audio stream. Subscribing to the tracks can be done """ _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.RTCConnection.ConnectionAudioHandler") def __init__(self, rtc): super().__init__( directPutSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, defaultSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, logger=self._log, ) self._senders = set() self._receivers = set() self._defaultSender = None self._defaultReceiver = None # The defaultSender subscribes to this self._defaultSenderSubscription = NoClosedSubscription(self._get) self._trackSubscriber = SubscriptionProducer( logger=self._log.getChild("trackSubscriber") ) self._rtc = rtc self._offerToReceive = 0
[docs] def onTrack(self, callback=None): """ Callback that gets called each time a audio track is received:: def onTrack(track): print(track) The callback actually works exactly as a subscribe(), so you can do:: subscription = await subscription.get() Note that if you have more than one track, you will need to tell rtcbot how many tracks to prepare to receive:: """ self.offerToReceive() return self._trackSubscriber.subscribe(callback)
[docs] def addTrack(self, subscription=None, sampleRate=48000, canSkip=True): """ Allows to send multiple audio tracks in a single connection. Each call to putTrack *adds* the track to the connection. For simple usage, where you only have a single audio stream, just use `putSubscription` - it automatically calls putTrack for you. """ self._log.debug("Adding audio track to connection") s = AudioSender(sampleRate=sampleRate, canSkip=True) if subscription is not None: s.putSubscription(subscription) elif self._defaultSender is None: s.putSubscription(self._defaultSenderSubscription) if self._defaultSender is None: self._defaultSender = s self._defaultSender.onClose(self.close) self._rtc.addTrack(s.audioStreamTrack) self._senders.add(s) return s
[docs] def putSubscription(self, subscription): # We need to make sure that when we put: # 1) there is an actual track to put to! # 2) the track is subscribed to the handler super().putSubscription(subscription) if self._defaultSender is None: self.addTrack() # Make sure that this subscription is active on the default track self._defaultSender.putSubscription(self._defaultSenderSubscription)
def _onTrack(self, track): """ Internal raw track receiver """ self._log.debug("Received audio track from connection") track = AudioReceiver(track) if self._defaultReceiver is None: # The default receiver track is the first one self._defaultReceiver = track self._defaultReceiver.subscribe(self._put_nowait) self._defaultReceiver.onClose(self.close) self._receivers.add(track) self._trackSubscriber._put_nowait(track)
[docs] def close(self): if not self.closed: for t in self._senders: t.close() for t in self._receivers: t.close() self._trackSubscriber.close() super().close()
[docs] def offerToReceive(self, num=1): """ Set the number of tracks that you can receive """ if self._offerToReceive < num: self._offerToReceive = num
[docs] def subscribe(self, subscription=None): self.offerToReceive() return super().subscribe(subscription)
[docs]class RTCConnection(SubscriptionProducerConsumer): _log = logging.getLogger("rtcbot.RTCConnection") def __init__( self, defaultChannelOrdered=True, loop=None, rtcConfiguration=RTCConfiguration( [RTCIceServer(urls="")] ), ): super().__init__( directPutSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, defaultSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, logger=self._log, ) self._loop = loop if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._dataChannels = {} # These allow us to easily signal when the given events happen self._dataChannelSubscriber = SubscriptionProducer( logger=self._log.getChild("dataChannelSubscriber") ) self._rtc = RTCPeerConnection(configuration=rtcConfiguration) self._rtc.on("datachannel", self._onDatachannel) self._rtc.on("iceconnectionstatechange", self._onIceConnectionStateChange) self._rtc.on("track", self._onTrack) self._hasRemoteDescription = False self._defaultChannelOrdered = defaultChannelOrdered self._videoHandler = ConnectionVideoHandler(self._rtc) self._audioHandler = ConnectionAudioHandler(self._rtc) # When the video/audio handlers get closed, close the entire connection self._videoHandler.onClose(self.close) self._audioHandler.onClose(self.close)
[docs] async def getLocalDescription(self, description=None): """ Gets the description to send on. Creates an initial description if no remote description was passed, and creates a response if a remote was given, """ if self._hasRemoteDescription or description is not None: # This means that we received an offer - either the remote description # was already set, or we passed in a description. In either case, # instead of initializing a new connection, we prepare a response if not self._hasRemoteDescription: await self.setRemoteDescription(description) self._log.debug("Creating response to connection offer") try: answer = await self._rtc.createAnswer() except AttributeError: self._log.exception( "\n>>> Looks like the offer didn't include the necessary info to set up audio/video. See <<<\n\n" ) raise await self._rtc.setLocalDescription(answer) return { "sdp": self._rtc.localDescription.sdp, "type": self._rtc.localDescription.type, } # There was no remote description, which means that we are initializing the # connection. # Before starting init, we create a default data channel for the connection self._log.debug("Setting up default data channel") channel = DataChannel( self._rtc.createDataChannel("default", ordered=self._defaultChannelOrdered) ) # Subscribe the default channel directly to our own inputs and outputs. # We have it listen to our own self._get, and write to our self._put_nowait channel.putSubscription(NoClosedSubscription(self._get)) channel.subscribe(self._put_nowait) channel.onReady(lambda: self._setReady(channel.ready)) channel.onClose(self.close) self._dataChannels[] = channel # Make sure we offer to receive video and audio if if isn't set up yet with # all the receiving transceivers if len( < self._log.debug("Offering to receive video") for i in range( - len( self._rtc.addTransceiver("video", "recvonly") if len( < self._log.debug("Offering to receive audio") for i in range( - len( self._rtc.addTransceiver("audio", "recvonly") self._log.debug("Creating new connection offer") offer = await self._rtc.createOffer() await self._rtc.setLocalDescription(offer) return { "sdp": self._rtc.localDescription.sdp, "type": self._rtc.localDescription.type, }
[docs] async def setRemoteDescription(self, description): self._log.debug("Setting remote connection description") await self._rtc.setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescription(**description)) self._hasRemoteDescription = True
async def _onIceConnectionStateChange(self): self._log.debug("ICE state: %s", self._rtc.iceConnectionState) if self._rtc.iceConnectionState == "failed": self._setError(self._rtc.iceConnectionState) await self.close() def _onDatachannel(self, channel): """ When a data channel comes in, adds it to the data channels, and sets up its messaging and stuff. """ channel = DataChannel(channel) self._log.debug("Got channel: %s", if == "default": # Subscribe the default channel directly to our own inputs and outputs. # We have it listen to our own self._get, and write to our self._put_nowait channel.putSubscription(NoClosedSubscription(self._get)) channel.subscribe(self._put_nowait) channel.onReady(lambda: self._setReady(channel.ready)) channel.onClose(self.close) else: self._dataChannelSubscriber.put_nowait(channel) self._dataChannels[] = channel def _onTrack(self, track): self._log.debug("Received %s track from connection", track.kind) if track.kind == "audio": self._audioHandler._onTrack(track) elif track.kind == "video": self._videoHandler._onTrack(track)
[docs] def onDataChannel(self, callback=None): """ Acts as a subscriber... """ return self._dataChannelSubscriber.subscribe(callback)
[docs] def addDataChannel(self, name, ordered=True): """ Adds a data channel to the connection. Note that the RTCConnection adds a "default" channel automatically, which you can subscribe to directly. """ self._log.debug("Adding data channel to connection") if name in self._dataChannels or name == "default": raise KeyError("Data channel %s already exists", name) dc = DataChannel(self._rtc.createDataChannel(name, ordered=ordered)) self._dataChannels[name] = dc return dc
[docs] def getDataChannel(self, name): """ Returns the data channel with the given name. Please note that the "default" channel is considered special, and is not returned. """ if name == "default": raise KeyError( "Default channel not available for 'get'. Use the RTCConnection's subscribe and put_nowait methods for access to it." ) return self._dataChannels[name]
@property def video(self): """ Convenience function - you can subscribe to it to get video frames once they show up """ return self._videoHandler @property def audio(self): """ Convenience function - you can subscribe to it to get audio once a stream is received """ return self._audioHandler
[docs] def close(self): """ If the loop is running, returns a future that will close the connection. Otherwise, runs the loop temporarily to complete closing. """ if self.closed: if self._loop.is_running(): async def donothing(): pass return asyncio.ensure_future(donothing()) return None self._log.debug("Closing connection") super().close() # And closes all tracks for dc in self._dataChannels: self._dataChannels[dc].close() self._dataChannelSubscriber.close() if self._loop.is_running(): self._log.debug("Loop is running - close will return a future!") return asyncio.ensure_future(self._rtc.close()) else: self._loop.run_until_complete(self._rtc.close()) return None
[docs] def send(self, msg): """ Send is an alias for put_nowait - makes it easier for people new to rtcbot to understand what is going on """ self.put_nowait(msg)