Source code for rtcbot.base.multiprocess

import asyncio
import logging
import signal
import multiprocessing
import threading
import queue
import concurrent.futures

from rtcbot.base import BaseSubscriptionProducer, BaseSubscriptionConsumer, SubscriptionClosed

[docs]class internalSubscriptionMessage: # This message is sent from the remote process to communicate with local stuff def __init__(self, type, value): self.type = type self.value = value
[docs]class ProcessSubscriptionProducer(BaseSubscriptionProducer): def __init__( self, defaultSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, logger=None, loop=None, daemonProcess=True, joinTimeout=1, ): self._joinTimeout = joinTimeout if logger is None: self.__splog = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__).getChild( "ProcessSubscriptionProducer" ) else: self.__splog = logger.getChild("ProcessSubscriptionProducer") self.__closeEvent = multiprocessing.Event() super().__init__(defaultSubscriptionType, logger=logger) self._loop = loop if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._producerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.__queueReaderThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__queueReader) self.__queueReaderThread.daemon = True self.__queueReaderThread.start() self._producerProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__producerSetup) self._producerProcess.daemon = daemonProcess self._producerProcess.start() @property def _shouldClose(self): # We need to check the event return self.__closeEvent.is_set() @_shouldClose.setter def _shouldClose(self, value): self.__splog.debug("Setting _shouldClose to %s", value) if value: self.__closeEvent.set() else: self.__closeEvent.clear() def _setReady(self, value): # Here, we actually exploit the main producerQueue to send the events to the main thread self.__splog.debug("setting ready to %s", value) self._producerQueue.put_nowait(internalSubscriptionMessage("ready", value)) def _setError(self, err): # Here, we actually exploit the main producerQueue to send the events to the main thread self.__splog.debug("setting error to %s", err) self._producerQueue.put_nowait(internalSubscriptionMessage("error", err)) def _close(self): # Here, we actually exploit the main producerQueue to send the events to the main thread self.__splog.debug("sending close message") self._producerQueue.put_nowait(internalSubscriptionMessage("close", True)) def __queueReader(self): while not self._shouldClose: try: data = self._producerQueue.get(timeout=self._joinTimeout) if isinstance(data, internalSubscriptionMessage): if data.type == "ready": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setReady, data.value) elif data.type == "error": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setError, data.value) elif data.type == "close": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._close) else: self.__splog.error("Unrecognized message: %s", data) else: self.__splog.debug("Received data from remote process") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._put_nowait, data) except queue.Empty: pass # No need to notify each time we check whether we chould close def _put_nowait(self, data): """ To be called by the producer thread to insert data. """ self.__splog.debug("Sending data from remote process") self._producerQueue.put_nowait(data) def __producerSetup(self): # This function sets up the producer. In particular, it receives KeyboardInterrupts def handleInterrupt(sig, frame): self.__splog.debug("Received KeyboardInterrupt - not notifying process") old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handleInterrupt) try: self._producer() except: self.__splog.exception("The remote process had an exception!") # self._setReady(False) self._shouldClose = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_handler) self.__splog.debug("Exiting remote process") def _producer(self): """ This is the function run in another thread. You override the function with your own logic. The base implementation is used for testing """ # We are ready! self._setReady(True) # Have to think how to make this work # in testing
[docs] def close(self): """ Shuts down data gathering, and closes all subscriptions. Note that it is not recommended to call this in an async function, since it waits until the background thread joins. The object is meant to be used as a singleton, which is initialized at the start of your code, and is closed when shutting down. """ super().close() self._producerProcess.join(self._joinTimeout) self.__queueReaderThread.join() if self._producerProcess.is_alive(): self.__splog.debug("Process did not terminate in time. Killing it.") self._producerProcess.terminate() self._producerProcess.join()
[docs]class ProcessSubscriptionConsumer(BaseSubscriptionConsumer): def __init__( self, directPutSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, logger=None, loop=None, daemonProcess=True, joinTimeout=1, ): self._joinTimeout = joinTimeout if logger is None: self.__splog = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__).getChild( "ProcessSubscriptionConsumer" ) else: self.__splog = logger.getChild("ProcessSubscriptionConsumer") self.__closeEvent = multiprocessing.Event() self._taskLock = multiprocessing.Lock() self._getEvent = multiprocessing.Event() super().__init__(directPutSubscriptionType, logger=logger) self._loop = loop if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._consumerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.__queueReaderThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__queueReader) self.__queueReaderThread.daemon = True self.__queueReaderThread.start() self._consumerProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__consumerSetup) self._consumerProcess.daemon = daemonProcess self._consumerProcess.start() @property def _shouldClose(self): # We need to check the event return self.__closeEvent.is_set() @_shouldClose.setter def _shouldClose(self, value): self.__splog.debug("Setting _shouldClose to %s", value) if value: self.__closeEvent.set() else: self.__closeEvent.clear() def _setReady(self, value): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setReady, value) def _setError(self, err): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setError, err) def _close(self): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._close) def __queueReader(self): while not self._shouldClose: if self._getEvent.is_set(): timedout = False while not self._shouldClose: with self._taskLock: # Only create a new task if it was finished, and did not time out if not timedout: self._getTask = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self._subscription.get(), self._loop ) timedout = False try: self._consumerQueue.put(self._getTask.result(self._joinTimeout)) self._getEvent.clear() break except (asyncio.CancelledError, concurrent.futures.CancelledError): self.__splog.debug("Subscription cancelled - checking for new tasks") except (asyncio.TimeoutError, concurrent.futures.TimeoutError): self.__splog.debug(f"No incoming data for {self._joinTimeout} seconds...") timedout = True except SubscriptionClosed: self.__splog.debug( "Incoming stream closed... Checking for new subscription" ) def _get(self): """ This is not a coroutine - it is to be called in the worker thread. If the worker thread is to be shut down, raises a SubscriptionClosed exception. """ self._getEvent.set() while not self._shouldClose: try: return self._consumerQueue.get(timeout=self._joinTimeout) except queue.Empty: pass # No need to notify each time we check whether we chould close self.__splog.debug( "close() was called on the aio thread. raising SubscriptionClosed." ) raise SubscriptionClosed("ProcessSubscriptionConsumer has been closed")
[docs] def putSubscription(self, subscription): with self._taskLock: super().putSubscription(subscription)
def _consumer(self): """ This is the function run in another thread. You override the function with your own logic. The base implementation is used for testing """ # We are ready! self._setReady(True) # Have to think how to make this work # in testing def __consumerSetup(self): # This function sets up the consumer. In particular, it receives KeyboardInterrupts def handleInterrupt(sig, frame): self.__splog.debug("Received KeyboardInterrupt - not notifying process") old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handleInterrupt) try: self._consumer() except: self.__splog.exception("The remote process had an exception!") # self._setReady(False) self._shouldClose = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_handler) self.__splog.debug("Exiting remote process")
[docs] def close(self): """ Shuts down data gathering, and closes all subscriptions. Note that it is not recommended to call this in an async function, since it waits until the background thread joins. The object is meant to be used as a singleton, which is initialized at the start of your code, and is closed when shutting down. """ with self._taskLock: super().close() self._consumerProcess.join(self._joinTimeout) self.__queueReaderThread.join() if self._consumerProcess.is_alive(): self.__splog.debug("Process did not terminate in time. Killing it.") self._consumerProcess.terminate() self._consumerProcess.join()
[docs]class ProcessSubscriptionProducerConsumer(BaseSubscriptionConsumer, BaseSubscriptionProducer): """ This base class represents an object which is both a producer and consumer, run as a separate process. This is common with two-way connections. Here, you call _get() to consume the incoming data, and _put_nowait() to produce outgoing data. """ def __init__( self, directPutSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, defaultSubscriptionType=asyncio.Queue, logger=None, defaultAutosubscribe=False, loop=None, daemonProcess=True, joinTimeout=1, ): self._joinTimeout = joinTimeout if logger is None: self.__splog = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__).getChild( "ProcessSubscriptionProducerConsumer" ) else: self.__splog = logger.getChild("ProcessSubscriptionProducerConsumer") self.__closeEvent = multiprocessing.Event() self._taskLock = multiprocessing.Lock() self._getEvent = multiprocessing.Event() BaseSubscriptionConsumer.__init__( self, directPutSubscriptionType, logger=logger ) BaseSubscriptionProducer.__init__( self, defaultSubscriptionType, logger=logger, defaultAutosubscribe=defaultAutosubscribe, ) self._loop = loop if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._producerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._consumerQueue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.__queueConsumerThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__queueConsumer) self.__queueConsumerThread.daemon = True self.__queueConsumerThread.start() self.__queueProducerThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__queueProducer) self.__queueProducerThread.daemon = True self.__queueProducerThread.start() self._producerConsumerProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__producerConsumerSetup) self._producerConsumerProcess.daemon = daemonProcess self._producerConsumerProcess.start() @property def _shouldClose(self): # We need to check the event return self.__closeEvent.is_set() @_shouldClose.setter def _shouldClose(self, value): self.__splog.debug("Setting _shouldClose to %s", value) if value: self.__closeEvent.set() else: self.__closeEvent.clear() def _setReady(self, value): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setReady, value) def _setError(self, err): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setError, err) def _close(self): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._close) def close(self): BaseSubscriptionConsumer.close(self) BaseSubscriptionProducer.close(self) def _close(self): self.close() def __queueProducer(self): while not self._shouldClose: try: data = self._producerQueue.get(timeout=self._joinTimeout) if isinstance(data, internalSubscriptionMessage): if data.type == "ready": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setReady, data.value) elif data.type == "error": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._setError, data.value) elif data.type == "close": self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._close) else: self.__splog.error("Unrecognized message: %s", data) else: self.__splog.debug("Received data from remote process") self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(super()._put_nowait, data) except queue.Empty: pass # No need to notify each time we check whether we chould close def __queueConsumer(self): while not self._shouldClose: if self._getEvent.is_set(): timedout = False while not self._shouldClose: with self._taskLock: # Only create a new task if it was finished, and did not time out if not timedout: self._getTask = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self._subscription.get(), self._loop ) timedout = False try: self._consumerQueue.put(self._getTask.result(self._joinTimeout)) self._getEvent.clear() break except (asyncio.CancelledError, concurrent.futures.CancelledError): self.__splog.debug("Subscription cancelled - checking for new tasks") except (asyncio.TimeoutError, concurrent.futures.TimeoutError): self.__splog.debug(f"No incoming data for {self._joinTimeout} seconds...") timedout = True except SubscriptionClosed: self.__splog.debug( "Incoming stream closed... Checking for new subscription" ) def __producerConsumerSetup(self): # This function sets up the producerConsumer. In particular, it receives KeyboardInterrupts def handleInterrupt(sig, frame): self.__splog.debug("Received KeyboardInterrupt - not notifying process") old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handleInterrupt) try: self._producerConsumer() except: self.__splog.exception("The remote process had an exception!") # self._setReady(False) self._shouldClose = True signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_handler) self.__splog.debug("Exiting remote process") def _put_nowait(self, data): """ To be called by the producer thread to insert data. """ self.__splog.debug("Sending data from remote process") self._producerQueue.put_nowait(data) def _get(self): """ This is not a coroutine - it is to be called in the worker thread. If the worker thread is to be shut down, raises a SubscriptionClosed exception. """ self._getEvent.set() while not self._shouldClose: try: return self._consumerQueue.get(timeout=self._joinTimeout) except queue.Empty: pass # No need to notify each time we check whether we chould close self.__splog.debug( "close() was called on the aio thread. raising SubscriptionClosed." ) raise SubscriptionClosed("ProcessSubscriptionProducerConsumer has been closed")
[docs] def putSubscription(self, subscription): with self._taskLock: super().putSubscription(subscription)
def _producerConsumer(self): """ This is the function run in another thread. You override the function with your own logic. The base implementation is used for testing """ # We are ready! self._setReady(True) # Have to think how to make this work # in testing
[docs] def close(self): """ Shuts down data gathering, and closes all subscriptions. Note that it is not recommended to call this in an async function, since it waits until the background thread joins. The object is meant to be used as a singleton, which is initialized at the start of your code, and is closed when shutting down. """ super().close() self._producerConsumerProcess.join(self._joinTimeout) self.__queueProducerThread.join() self.__queueConsumerThread.join() if self._producerConsumerProcess.is_alive(): self.__splog.debug("Process did not terminate in time. Killing it.") self._producerConsumerProcess.terminate() self._producerConsumerProcess.join()